The Cost Of Success


The Cost Of Success

Alone in the castle, the hero sits, Surrounded by riches, but feeling unfit, For the journey he took, was not without cost, And the friends he lost, now seem like a frost.

He climbed the ladder of success, He fought his battles, he paid his dues, But in the end, he was left to choose, Between those who loved him and those who lied, And the truth was bitter, it made him cry.

For the ones who stood by him, he had no time, And now they are gone, no longer in their prime, But the fake ones returned, like vultures to a kill, Hoping to share in his wealth and thrill.

He pushed them away, but the damage was done, And now he sits in his empty throne, With no one to share his triumph or strife, Lost in his own riches, with a lonely life.

He learned the hard way, that success is a test, Of the friendships we build, and the ones we neglect, And that in the end, it's not the wealth we amass, But the love and loyalty that will forever last.

And so he sits in his castle, alone, Reflecting on the choices he had once known, Realizing that the true treasures of life, Are the people around us, in times of strife.